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The next project that I’m working on is to rotoscope a day dream. And my day dream is about one person who is surrounded by multiple people and he has to fight off all of them at once. It’ll be pretty trippy too, so epileptics beware!!!!!!

IMGOur story is about two guys. They are walking in different directions. The one guy runs into the other guy and the other guy becomes mad. So the mad guy gets and tank and runs him over with the tank. So its shows anger management and like road rage.


this is the link to the toymation project the my group and I made.


this a picture of the set that we are going to use for a toymation.


This video is about drunk driving. In the version of Mario Kart. And you’ll see Mario driving in the opposite directions and drives into another car.


This video is about Spiderman. Spiderman is fighting off his enemies. I also believe this video may be advertisement for Mega Blocks, since it shows how the blocks are put together to make structures.


This video uses mega blocks as well. The video starts off with one Halo soldier shoveling snow off trucks. And drives away when two other solders drive away in the trucks he was shoveling the snow off.


This video is about an public service announcement on fake IDs. So this one lego guy gets a fake ID to got to the club. The lego guy goes to the club and the gets caught with the fake ID and goes to jail.

It Comes Down to Rigging

The cast of the the movie Coraline had to create movable devices that was give them the effect that they wanted. And these devices had to be able to create that digital editing could not.And the point of this video was to show how the portal was made.

Exquisite Energy

This video explains that about the voice tracks and mouth pieces at first. But then goes into saying about how the combined efforts of all people working on animation stats to create an exquisite energy. And that if you didn’t have all those people working together then you then you would never finish the animation.

We Have To Make The Web

This video describes how the giant web was made and about the boards flying in mid-air. The web was made out of a stretchy elastic cord which was a good idea (their words). And that they had to use a lot of riggings to make it move the way they wanted it to.

Focus Features

This video explains how they used a some-what clear plastic to make the water in the shower. The some-what clear texture of the plastic made the water look rusted.The also made the strands merge together to make it look more realistic.

Behind The Scenes

This video shows many different people making all the different props needed to make the animation work. It even shows all the different tools used to make the props. Along with some people staying up all night working on the props.

Little Miracles

This video explains that when your making the claymation you don’t really get the effect of life until you put the whole thing together. And that about how the animator is basically communicating to the audience through clay puppets.



This is the uncolored version of one of the backgrounds for the animation that  I am working on. I’m working on drawing the others at the moment though. And please be patient.


This is the basic frame of the story plot. I didn’t add any captions because I didn’t want to ruin the story. But don’t worry cause when the animation is all finished the frame plot will make more since (hope I spelled that right).

Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 11.09.27 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 10.59.09 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-05 at 11.03.03 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 10.37.27 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 10.45.24 AM Chararecter-3 Screen Shot 2013-03-05 at 10.55.16 AM

Here are the main characters for the flash animation project that I’m working on. Now I could tell you more about them but that would  completely ruin the surprise. I will tell you this though- these characters took forever to come up with. The story plot is still in progress though.